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Addhyayan - Inclusive Education


Project Addhyayan is an education movement, dedicated to improving the quality of learning of students with disabilities. Education is one of the most effective ways to break the cycle of discrimination and poverty that children and youth with disabilities often face. Project Adhyayan’s vision is to provide a support system where every child and youth with a disability can grow up healthy, protected from harm and educated, so they can reach their full potential, get employment and live with dignity.


Anjali Festival, Anjali Scholarships for College Students, Teacher Support to Special Schools, Saksham Educational Support for School Students from Slums, Audio Books Production and Braille Books Printing are some of the components of this program.


  • Workshops
    On Photography, Terracotta and Pottery, Art and Craft, Fine Art, Theatre, Music, Dance, Magic, Science is fun, Cartooning, Know Your Environment, Ventriloquism, Mask Making, Balloon Sculpture, Yoga, Pantomime, and 3D Model etc.
  • Visit of Mainstream School Children
    Aims at providing young children with the necessary understanding of children with disabilities, their challenges, strengths and capabilities.
  • Experiencing the challenges of disability
    Certain disabilities are simulated during this exercise, such as blindfolding to simulate total blindness, for the non-disabled people to get an insight.
  • Inter School Competitions
    From science modeling, collage making to quiz; from music to dance, the festival encourages group competitions over solo performances to foster bonding among children.
  • Hobby Display
    To encourage creative activities, the festival encourages children to cultivate a bobby.
  • Festivals of Joy
    The celebration of festivals at Anjali goes beyond the frontiers of religious and regional boundaries to bear witness to humanitarian love and the spirit of togetherness.
  • Evening Parade
    Participants and escorts dress in colorful traditional costumes and jewelry and walk around the camp shouting slogans of “Long Live Anjali", 'Door door se aaye hain-pyar ke geet laye hain" and many more.
  • Cultural Programs
    The audience witnesses a riveting presentation of songs, dances and plays in the evenings. Elements like magic shows, game zone, star gazing, meeting celebrities, funny games, cartoons etc. are added every year.
  • Exhibitions
    Scientific and cultural exhibitions showcasing talent and culture of different states of India add to the beauty of learning with joy.
  • Carnival of Love
    Taking place annually on the first day of Anjali Festival in Bhubaneshwar, this carnival is seen packed with costume parades, live music, and street performances, and more at one of the biggest events of the year.
  • Food Court
    Food stalls of momos, pastries, traditional odia dishes and many more can be seen serving our visitor’s appetite.
  • Biscope
    Is our tiny film festival where few disability awareness films and feature films are screened and children interact with a few film directors and actors.
  • Indradhanush (Cultural Extravaganza)
    Is a mix of all forms of performing arts by artists with disabilities to showcase the capabilities of the artists with disabilities to others and bring them together to promote inclusion in the field of arts.
  • Atmospheric Design
    Students from local art colleges are challenged to develop art works based on the theme of the year and are sensitized to disability in the process of volunteering.

Project Highlights.

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