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 20 Years of Empowering Youth with disAbilities


Sponsored by IMPACT, Bhubaneswar 


Announcement of Scholarship: Swabhiman awards the Anjali Scholarships to meritorious students with disabilities from underprivileged and disadvantaged backgrounds to enable them to complete the education of their choice and capability.


Deadline: Round the year applications. Application will be considered by March 10 every year. Incomplete or late applications will not be considered. Recipients will be notified in mid-April. The cycle will continue from April to March. 




  • Ongoing student of UG, or PG Courses.
  • Has a certified disability (As  per RPwD Act 2016)
  • Meritorious
  • ​​Disadvantaged background.




It is in two phases. Applications are scored on following parameters 


Phase 1 - Screening of Applications

  • Academic Achievement; (10 pts)

  • Professional Promise: 


                                        1. Personal Letter (5 pts) - goals and plan for attaining goals.

                                        2. Faculty Evaluation (5 pts) - faculty/referee letter indicating professional promise.       

                                        3. Others (10 pts total) - work experience, memberships and activities, leadership in school/college/organisations, awards and honors,                                                    community service and other extracurricular activities etc.                     â€‹



Scholarship application packet to include: 


  • Completed application form

  • All relevant certificates – Proof of education, Matric, +2, +3 (as per education), proof of age, disability certificate, residential certificate, ID of college, f and Aadhar card copy. college transcripts (Must be Official Transcripts)

  • Two photos – one passport size and one full length.

  • One-page letter, double spaced, Times New Roman 12pt font from the applicant stating short-term and long-term goals and plan for attaining goals 

  • Recommendation letter from faculty member indicating professional promise.

  • Mail the completed scholarship application packet to the Awards Chair by soft copies to Anjali Scholarship Cell, Swabhiman at

  • Selected candidates will be informed to send hard copies.


Scholarship Application


APPLICATIONS ARE DUE:  We are receiving application round the year in a rolling basis.  


Check only one category for the program you will be enrolled in for 2024-25


  • Undergraduate course 

  • Graduate studies

  • Post graduate studies

  • Tutorial for professional or technical course 

  • Spoken English or Communication Course

  • Computer and IT course

  • Skill development course


Anjali Scholarships

Registration Form

Please fill the form to apply

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